Nov 8, 2023
My guests are Bret Wardle and Michael Hyzy, and our topic is their book titled, Gamification for Product Excellence.
After years of leading product strategy, management, and development, Mike realized gamification could be the ultimate game-changer for creating engaging products. Seeing an opportunity to share this powerful concept, he channeled his insights into his first book, Gamification for Product Excellence.
Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Bret is a seasoned Game/Software professional with over 15 years of experience in crafting immersive games, innovative software, and user-friendly apps. His passion lies in bridging the realms of design psychology in both gaming and software landscapes.
About Your Host:
Monica Cornetti works with individuals and organizations like yours who want to learn how to think playfully to change behaviors and achieve objectives.
A gamification speaker and designer, Monica was repeatedly rated #1 among the “Gamification Gurus Power 100” by RISE from 2015-2020, and in 2021 and 2022 was recognized as #1 in the Most Influential Women in Gamification who have created a legitimate impact in the gamification industry.
Monica is the President of Sententia, Inc. and leads the company’s education and design projects at Sententia Gamification. She is also the Gamemaster of GamiCon (annual international conferences for the gamification of learning).
She is the author of the books Lipstick Lessons, What Were You Thinking?, Totally Awesome Training Activities Guide: Put Gamification to Work for You, and co-author of Deliberate Fun: A Purposeful Application of Game Mechanics to Learning Experiences.