Jan 16, 2016
With special guest Gal Rimon of www.gameffective.com
Enterprise gamification is evolving, influenced by changes to performance management methodologies, the concept of fitbit and the quantified self, a deeper understanding of employee motivation and the use of game narratives. On today's program Gal and Monica explore how gamification is:
About Gal Rimon: The founder and CEO of GamEffective, a next-generation gamification company. GamEffective offers solutions for sales, customer service, and on-boarding, offering clear calls to action, rich game narratives, and cross platform integration. Prior to founding GamEffective Gal served as Chief Executive Officer of Ness-Gilon Global and Chief Executive Officer of Synergy at Gilon Business Insight Ltd, a Business Intelligence Provider. Connect with Gal at @gameffective and @galrimon on Twitter.
About Your Host: A gamification speaker and designer, Monica Cornetti is rated as the #1 Gamification Guru in the World by UK-Based Leaderboarded. She is the Founder and CEO of the Sententia Gamification Consortium and the author of the book Totally Awesome Training Activity Guide: Put Gamification to Work for You.
Monica is hired for her skill as a gamification speaker and is considered at the top of her field in gamification design for corporate learning.
Connect with Monica on Twitter @monicacornetti, Web: www.monicacornetti.com and www.SententiaGames.com, Email: monica@monicacornetti.com